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Clubs and Organizations

CCJHS Clubs and Organizations



Junior Student 2 Student

JS2S is a student-led and facility-advised program with a mission to ensure that all students feel welcomed at their school and community.  The program is backed by an organization called MCEC or Military Child Education Coalition.  Our ambassadors provide fun ways for new and old students to get to know other students and encourage them to do well academically.   

Our ambassadors understand that our character is much more than just what we try to display others to see here at CCJHS; it is who we are even when no one is watching. 

Sponsor contact:  Jade Benjamin  -  Amber White



Boys & Girls Club

Boys and Girls Club is an after school program will be held EVERY DAY 3:45pm-6:30pm in the cafeteria

Free for all Copperas Cove Jr. High School students. All it takes to be a member is a simple application. Applications can be obtained in the front office or from Boys and Girls Club afterschool. Applications can also be done online. (Link is included below). If you have any questions you can call Boys and Girls Club staff at (254) 338-6223.


  • Powerhour- Powerhour is where students can basically receive additional help with homework assignments, projects, and study habits. Some days during Powerhour we start an activity called Project Learn, which is playing a fun game like basketball while adding a learning subject included.  
  • Sports League- Our club competes against the Boys and Girls Clubs in middle schools of Killeen in various sports, such as football, volleyball, basketball, and kickball.
  • Healthy Habits- Teaching members how to keep themselves healthy in means of eating healthy and having proper hygiene with programs such as Smart Moves or Cooking Class.
  • Stem- We participate in different stem activities, basic engineering or science projects. At least once a week we go to a computer lab to help with homework, play games, or do research on colleges or internet safety. We do have different gaming consoles available such as XBOX One and Nintendo WII.



CCJHS now has a Torch Club:

A Torch Club is a small group of Club members, ages 11 to 13, who engage in programs and activities agreed upon, developed and implemented by the members themselves. The first Torch Clubs were chartered in 1970 to address the developmental needs of young people. Groups typically involve between six and 15 young people, and have as a primary focus the development of character and leadership skills of group members.

Applying Online:
Membership Application



Communities in Schools

Communities in Schools (CIS) is a federally funded program that offers mentoring and enrichment to enhance the students' educational experience. Any student that has difficulty at school for any reason is a candidate for CIS: grades, health and welfare, career awareness, college readiness, parental/family involvement and students of deployed parents.

Meets: Every Morning from 7:30 am to 8:00 am, and during lunches on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Designated groups are at varying times according to schedules of speakers. Most times the CIS site director can assist and offer services when requested.

Contact: Mildred Rodriguez



Fellowship of Christian Athletes

The FCA is under new sponsorship. Please be patient for details



Junior Historians

Junior Historians is a club for students interested in state and local history. Members play an active role in preserving history in their community. Activities include preparing exhibits, researching local history, attending state conventions, participating in community activities, competing in contests and taking field trips. Membership is limited to students who meet the following criteria: 90 or better in Social Studies, 80 or better in other classes, reliable, hard-working, and present no major discipline problems in their classes. CCJHS Junior Historians is one of the top clubs in the state. The club has been awarded an outstanding chapter award for the past 20 years.

Meetings: TBD
Sponsor:  Susan Beaver



National Junior Honor Society

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is one of the nation's premier organizations established to recognize outstanding junior high students. NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

Meets: Meets regularly and participates in at least one service project per year. Times/dates will be announced.
Contacts: Sheila Gilbert  Veronica Sheon



Student Council

All grade levels at CCJHS are allowed to participate in Student Council. Eighth grade students can run for the following offices: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, or Historian. There are 4 representatives from 6th and 7th grade (two per team), and 10 representatives from 8th grade, including officers. Student Council helps out on recycling, food drives, fundraisers, and school dances.

Meets: Monthly and/or bi-monthly during Prep and occasionally after school to organize and help run school events.
Contacts: Jessica Johnson




Students are responsible for the creation of the entire yearbook: everything from the design of the page to taking the pictures and writing the stories and captions. In this "info age," the skills and experience managing information are vital and powerful. Being a yearbook staff member offers students the opportunity to gain life skills, assume responsibilities, and have great fun at the same time. Students will gain knowledge in desktop publishing, journalistic writing, digital photography, and advertising. That combination makes the yearbook one of the most promising places in education for shaping skills and launching future careers. Good communication and organizational skills are a must. Yearbook is an 8th grade elective. Finalizing the book may require a few after school meetings.

Yearbook and Yearbook Sales will be posted soon.
Contact: Tobi Sheon